There are three distinct elements necessary to establish a trademark infringement claim; use, in commerce and likelihood of confusion. Once you have determined that your tradem...
READ MOREEnrico Schaefer - November 17, 2024 - Complex Litigation, Trademark Attorneys, Trademark Law
There are three distinct elements necessary to establish a trademark infringement claim; use, in commerce and likelihood of confusion. Once you have determined that your tradem...
READ MOREEnrico Schaefer - February 10, 2015 - Protecting Your Trademark from Infringement, Trademark Attorneys, Trademark Clearinghouse: ICANN, Trademark Law
Over 1,000 new gTLDs - top level domains - are now fully integrated into the domain registration system. These new top level domains have made lots of word which were unavailabl...
READ MOREtraverselegal - October 29, 2013 - Trademark Attorneys, Trademark Law
Welcome to Trademark Law Radio, a top web resource on issues of trademark infringement, trademark licensing, trademark protection, and trademark registration. Trademark Agreement...
READ MOREtraverselegal - September 26, 2013 - Protecting Your Trademark from Infringement, Trademark Attorneys, Trademark Cease and Desist Letter Issues, Trademark Law
Matt: Hi, and welcome back to Trademark Law Radio. I'm Matt Plessner. Today we're going to be discussing trademark counterfeiting, and how to defend yourself against claims of...
READ MOREtraverselegal - September 24, 2013 - Trademark Attorneys, Trademark Law
Ⓡ vs. ™? Author: Enrico Schaefer Clients and prospective clients alike are often confused as to which trademark symbol they can use and when. There are various options avai...