Globally Recognized for our experience
as a Cybersquatting Attorney team

From UDRP proceedings to ACPA litigation. Traverse Legal has all of your cybersquatting legal issues covered

Cybersquatting Law

Why Choose a Traverse Legal Cybersquatting Attorney?

Traverse Legal’s domain name, trademark, and cybersquatting attorneys are recognized for their experience and innovation across a wide range of domain name and cybersquatting for both trademark owners and domain name owners. A domain trademark lawyer can help retrieve your domain name from a thief, a cybersquatter, or other bad actor.

We have successfully handled numerous litigation cases under the Lanham Act and Anticybersquatting Consumer Protection Act (“ACPA”) for trademark infringement and domain name infringement issues. Our trademark lawyers have record verdicts for statutory damages under the ACPA.

Our law firm has experience arbitrating cybersquatting cases for domain name complainants and respondents under the Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy (“UDRP”) before the World Intellectual Property Organization (“WIPO”) and National Arbitration Forum (“Forum”). If you have a domain name trademark issue, you need a domain name lawyer who understands DNS, WHOIS, domain name registrant, registrar and registry issues.

Services Offered

  • Domain Name Lawsuit Representation, including Plaintiff-side and Defense.
  • Anticybersquatting Consumer Protection Act (“ACPA”) litigation.
  • Cyberpiracy Domain Name Protection for Individuals, including celebrities.
  • Cybersquatting Threat Letter and Response Letters for domain name infringement.
  • Reverse Domain Name Hijacking.
  • Domain Name Transactions, including Domain Name Sale or Lease.
  • Domain Name Agreements, including domain transfers, domain escrow and domain brokerage.
  • Domain Name Arbitration pursuant to Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy (“UDRP”), including WIPO, NAF and International.
  • UDRP Complaints, Responses and Settlements.
  • Domain Name Valuation.
  • Domain Name Monetization.

Frequently Asked Questions

Domain name theft is real. A web developer, web host, employee, partner, IT professional or third party who gains access to your domain registrant account can transfer your valuable domain name away from your control or shut down your website. Domain theft happens every day.  You need help from a domain trademark protection lawyer.

Yes, personal or proper names are protected from cybersquatting under the ACPA, and anyone who “registers a domain name that consists of the name of another living person, or a name substantially and confusingly similar thereto, without that person’s consent, with the specific intent to profit from such name by selling the domain name for financial gain to that person or any third party, shall be liable in a civil action by such person”. An experienced cybersquatting lawyer can help you understand if your personal name is protected.

This form of cybersquatting is referred to as “typosquatting.” Cybersquatting trademark typos relies on the internet user making a typographical error when typing a know or trademark protected web address into the URL bar of the browser. Our cybersquatting lawyers represent clients just like you on cybersquatting issues just like these.

No – the only remedy under the UDRP is the transfer of the domain name. In some cases, the UDRP is a good option for a trademark holder. Sometimes, filing a lawsuit against the cybersquatter under the ACPA is warranted. A trademark and cybersquatting attorney can help you select a plan of attack which fits within your goals and attorney fee budget.

Yes – the maximum amount awarded for cybersquatting damages under the ACPA is $100,000.00. But attorneys fees are sometimes awarded as well. A cybersquatting lawyer can help you understand the potential risks and rewards of pursuing a domain name through threat letter, UDRP arbitration or ACPA lawsuit.

Traverse Legal’s Attorneys are globally recognized for their experience and results in the legal areas of: Complex Litigation, Internet, Trademark, Copyright, Cybersquatting, Drone, Defamation, Trade Secret, Non-Compete, and Business Law.

GET IN Touch

We’re here to field your questions and concerns. If you are a company able to pay a reasonable legal fee each month, please contact us today.


This page has been written, edited, and reviewed by a team of legal writers following our comprehensive editorial guidelines. This page was approved by attorney Enrico Schaefer, who has more than 20 years of legal experience as a practicing Business, IP, and Technology Law litigation attorney.