Somewhat related to a claim of copyright infringement (and often preempted by such a claim – more on that later), is the claim for Right of Publicity. While sometimes availabl...
READ MOREEnrico Schaefer - October 24, 2024 - Copyright Law, Right of Publicity- Name & Likeness
Somewhat related to a claim of copyright infringement (and often preempted by such a claim – more on that later), is the claim for Right of Publicity. While sometimes availabl...
READ MOREEnrico Schaefer - March 03, 2021 - Content Licensing, Right of Publicity- Name & Likeness
Welcome to Tech Law Radio. My name is Enrico Schaefer. Today we are going to have dive into legal issues in the influencer space. There is an increasing number of br...
READ MOREEnrico Schaefer - March 27, 2020 - Content Licensing, Internet Law, Online Advertising, Right of Publicity- Name & Likeness, Social Media Lawyer
A common form of marketing in the age of social media is the use of pictures and testimonials about customer experiences. This can be a great way to display the services you pro...
READ MOREEnrico Schaefer - October 18, 2019 - Right of Publicity- Name & Likeness, Social Media Lawyer
Social Media Influencing / PodCast Detroit / Influencers Go Local. Social media influencing is bug business. The top influencers and celebrity endorsers make tens or hundre...
READ MOREBrian Hall - September 30, 2019 - Copyright Law, Right of Publicity- Name & Likeness, Trademarking Your Personal Name
Historically, at the amateur level, one could not be both an NCAA-eligible collegiate athlete and profit from one's name, image and likeness. Institutions, including those at th...