Welcome to Traverse, where we discuss the hottest topics in Internet law. If you face an Internet law issue, cyber law complaint, website, or e-commerce issue, we have an Interne...
READ MOREEnrico Schaefer - April 06, 2021 - Copyright Law, Defamation Law, Domain Name Trademark Issues, Internet Copyright Infringement, Internet Lawyer, Trademark Law, Uncategorized, What Is Copyright Infringement, What is Internet Defamation?
Welcome to Traverse, where we discuss the hottest topics in Internet law. If you face an Internet law issue, cyber law complaint, website, or e-commerce issue, we have an Interne...
READ MOREEnrico Schaefer - June 17, 2020 - Cybersquatting Law, Domain Name Trademark Issues, Internet Law
The world of domain names is ever-evolving with new generic top-level domains ("gTLD's") added to ICANN's New gTLD Program regularly. Part of Traverse Legal's brand protection a...
READ MOREEnrico Schaefer - January 19, 2020 - Cybersquatting Law, Domain Name Trademark Issues
What is a Registrant? A domain name registrant is a "person, company or entity who owns or holds a domain name." A registrant is responsible purchasing and registering a domai...
READ MOREEnrico Schaefer - July 12, 2019 - Domain Name Trademark Issues
If you have a domain name issue, chances are the first question your attorney will ask you will be about whether your domain name is trademark protected. A domain trademark lawyer...