[Detroit, MI] In this episode of Tech Law Radio, Complex Litigation Attorneys Enrico Schaefer and Mallory King discuss tips and strategies for issuing Federal Rule of Civil Proced...
READ MOREEnrico Schaefer - September 27, 2019 - Cybersquatting Lawsuits & Cases, Internet Law, Internet Lawyer, Social Media Lawyer, Third-Party Subpoenas, Trial Attorney Tips
[Detroit, MI] In this episode of Tech Law Radio, Complex Litigation Attorneys Enrico Schaefer and Mallory King discuss tips and strategies for issuing Federal Rule of Civil Proced...
READ MOREEnrico Schaefer - June 18, 2018 - Complex Litigation, Cybersquatting Basics, Cybersquatting Law, Cybersquatting Lawsuits & Cases, Experienced Cyber Squatting Lawyer - Attorney, Internet Lawyer
After a two year legal battle, Traverse Legal has won summary judgment for an Anticybersquatting Consumer Protection Act ("ACPA") claim on behalf of Palace Resorts. The Sout...
READ MOREtraverselegal - September 27, 2013 - Cybersquatting Law, Cybersquatting Lawsuits & Cases, Experienced Cyber Squatting Lawyer - Attorney
More and more people are familiar with traditional cybersquatting, which is the registration used for trafficking in the domain name corresponding to the trademark of another wit...
READ MOREtraverselegal - February 25, 2013 - Cybersquatting Law, Cybersquatting Lawsuits & Cases, Experienced Cyber Squatting Lawyer - Attorney
A large number of UDRP complaints are never responded to by the respondent. As a UDRP attorney specializing in both complaints and responses to Uniform Domain-Name Dispute-Res...
READ MOREtraverselegal - May 08, 2012 - Cybersquatting Law, Cybersquatting Lawsuits & Cases, Experienced Cyber Squatting Lawyer - Attorney
UDRP arbitrations under the Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy are much more simple than, say, cybersquatting litigation, filing a cybersquatting lawsuit in a federal c...