Non-Compete Agreements that would also include non-solicitation agreements and trade secret protections have become part of the territory in employment and trade secret law for ...
READ MOREMark Clark - January 25, 2018 - Non-Compete Law Basics
Non-Compete Agreements that would also include non-solicitation agreements and trade secret protections have become part of the territory in employment and trade secret law for ...
READ MOREMark Clark - May 05, 2017 - Non-Compete Law Basics, Noncompete Law
The debate of whether non-compete agreements are good for a state economy or bad is not a new one but the debate has freshened of late with discussions concerning the best ways to...
READ MOREMark Clark - April 17, 2017 - Non-Compete Law Basics, Uncategorized
What if the state where my business is located does not favor enforcement of non-compete agreements? As a business owner interested in obtaining non-compete agreements from key ...
READ MOREtraverselegal - January 13, 2017 - Non-Compete Law Basics, Noncompete Law
The Michigan Supreme Court recently established a new rule clarifying that non-competes, which are commercial nature, and in this case a non-compete between two businesses, are ...
READ MOREtraverselegal - January 11, 2017 - Non-Compete Law Basics, Noncompete Law
Welcome to Traverse Legal Radio. Today's program is brought to you by Traverse Legal PLC a law firm specializing in internet law, cybersquatting, intellectual property, domain dis...